Madison Springfield has provided a range of services including market research, human resources management and business process improvement for multinational professional services firms.
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International Reorganization and Expansion
Professional Services
Paris, France
In an increasingly competitive landscape, a European professional services firm needed to identify new growth areas as demand for legacy business offerings was diminishing. Opportunities for emerging market expansion appeared to be the best course of action, but only if the firm could navigate the unique challenges of doing business in developing countries.
The project began with an inventory of the skills and abilities among the firm's consultant ranks. Market research was then performed to determine where the firm's capabilities could be applied supporting companies operating in rapidly growing emerging markets. From an initial list of promising countries, where demand was high for professional services firms offering similar services as those of the client, one country was selected as a pilot venture. Following Madison Springfield's recommendation, the client established a business presence in the target country using expatriates managing a small team of local consultants.
The pilot launch in a Middle Eastern country was a success. Taking all of the lessons learned from the pilot, the client began to expand into other similar regional markets. Ultimately, the firm's Middle East revenues exceeded those of its European operations. The firm had successfully repositioned itself as a premiere professional services provider in the Middle East.
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